Meet The Chain Breakers
The exceptional team of individuals who have overcome various disparities, that are dedicated to serving our underserved community members. Our team consists of passionate and professional individuals from diverse backgrounds and professions, all driven by a deep desire to give back by being the cornerstones of the bridge to battement, to support others on their journey towards a better life. At Breakin Khainz, we stand firmly on the pillars of integrity, compassion, love, understanding, and trust. These values form the foundation of our commitment to serving our community as a crucial force in building the bridge to a better future. We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment that fosters growth and development, enabling us to build strong relationships and connections. Our ultimate goal is to provide more resources and services to survivors of abuse and trauma, at-risk youth, and young adults who have been marginalized. We are determined to combat heinous injustices such as human trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Through our unwavering dedication, we aim to make a bold impact and bring about positive change. Breakin Khainz is driven by a resolute spirit, unyielding in our pursuit of justice and empowerment. We are unafraid to challenge the status quo and confront the systemic barriers that hinder progress. With unwavering determination, we strive to break the chains that bind our community, liberating individuals from the shackles of their past and guiding them towards a brighter future. Join us in our mission to create a world where every survivor can thrive, where the voices of the unheard are amplified, and where the cycle of abuse and trauma is shattered. Together, we can build a society that values and protects its most vulnerable members. Let us stand united, shoulder to shoulder, as we forge a path towards a future free from
the chains of injustice.

Breakin Khainz Director of Operations 

Dominique McGee is a dedicated human rights activist with a focus on individuals in marginalized communities who have been victims of or are at high risk of human trafficking and other forms of exploitations. She is outspoken about her personal journey of overcoming trafficking and the challenges she faced, aiming to educate communities on this pressing issue. Through her experiences, Dominique now works to empower others and raise awareness in marginalized communities, while providing accurate information to potential partners and allies in the fight against human trafficking. Prior to becoming involved in the anti-trafficking movement, Dominique was actively involved in her community, offering shelter to potential trafficking victims and intervening on their behalf by engaging with traffickers to address the harm being done. Her efforts were met with respect from potential pimps and victims alike, as she worked tirelessly to prevent young black girls from enduring the same hardships she faced. Dominique is committed to leading discussions with stakeholders to develop solutions for individuals who have experienced childhood trauma, poverty, and other underlying factors that contribute to exploitation and trafficking. As an overcomer and community activist, Dominique serves as a lived experience expert on human trafficking, advocating for those who have suffered similar injustices. In her own words, Dominique states, "No one should have to endure what I went through, and I am determined to be a voice for individuals who have faced similar struggles, regardless of age, gender, or background."

Breakin Khainz Vice President / Instructor / Youth Mentor

Jerrod Williams, a military veteran, dedicates his time to driving underserved individuals to work, leading and guiding underprivileged males towards self-confidence and career readiness. Using his core values of discipline, honor, respect, and integrity, he helps them discover their career paths. Jerrod's personal journey as a successful young black male has had its challenges due to a lack of support and direction. However, he remains committed to making a positive impact on the lives of underserved populations, by sharing his experiences and empowering them to overcome adversity and strive for success. His dedication to guiding them towards better opportunities and instilling essential life skills is commendable.

Breakin Khainz Secretary / Instructor

Jacklyn Davis is an entrepreneur dedicated to supporting young individuals facing unexpected challenges. Through her initiative, Breakin Khainz, she strives to assist troubled youth and ambitious young adults. With a background in criminal justice from Texas Southern University and an AACJ from the University of Phoenix, Jacklyn is passionate about mentoring and empowering youth. She brings expertise in financial literacy, business development, and goal management. Jacklyn aims to shape the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs, both locally and nationally, in her pursuit to positively impact others' lives.

The Heart and Brains behind the mission

Senior Team Member

Patches Bell

Senior Board Member

Amanda Allen

Arts Program Community Develpment Agents 
